26 January 2009

Allow me to introduce myself

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Caitlyn Friesen and I have the priveledge of teaching your child for the next few months. I am an intern teacher completing my final teaching practicum, PSIII. I have been teaching at St. Josephs for about three weeks now and I have been having an absolutely wonderful time getting to know all of the students. In Grade 5 I have been teaching Science, Social Studies and Health. In Science we are learning about simple chemistry and mixtures. We have been having a great time experimenting with mixing different liquids and solids. In Social Studies we are currently learning about the Canadian Shield, this is fitting because I grew up in Canadian Shield. The students are creating brochures for their own imaginative camp held in the Canadian Shield. The brochures include different information about the areas as well as the students are able to invent their own adventure camp such as a hunting camp, cross-country sking or nature camp. In Health the class is working in groups to create information pamphletes they will give to the grade four class about how to live and eat healthy. I have thourougly enjoyed these last three weeks and I have found the grade 5 class to be a joy. I look forward to meeting each of you and working with you in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about anything please feel free to contact me over either at the school, on the phone or over email: caitlyn.friesen@holyspirit.ab.ca. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to teach your children.
Caitlyn Friesen