08 September 2008


Language Arts -
  • Today we started our "Spelling Idol" competition today that will end later this month.
  • Students will also begin journaling as we read a novel together.

Social Studies - P6-7 in textbook, Think about questions that you would like answer this year and creat a chart like the one on page 7. You should have at least two questions and something in each of the columns. Keep in your binder for future reference.
Science - Cover page and "Safety Rules" are due for Tuesday (assigned last Friday)

Health - "Being Safe" cover page due Tuesday

Religion - reminder to have a small rock here at school for Thursday's class.

PARENT HOMEWORK - Thank you to those of you who have sent me a note about your child. I treally helps me to have some background about your child and I always learn interesting things that help me work with your children.

Reminder that the school bar-b-que goes this Wednesday at 6:00 PM.