22 October 2008


Language Arts - Students are working on two Spelling Idols for the next two weeks. One is working in pairs they are to present a word related to Social Studies or Science to the class. The deadline for completion is November 3rd. The other is a fun competition using Halloween words as the them and that has to be done for the 31st. Students have instructions on what they have to do. Please ask them to share those with you.

Spelling Test on last spelling list is on Thursday.
Congratulations to the word "lightning" for wining the last competition. I guess I'm going to Dairy Queen for lunch on Friday.

Social Studies - Vocabulary test tomorrow. I announced this last week and had not put it on the blog but stdents have been aware of t his coming up for some time. The "Words Matter" terms in the textbook for chapter one are the ones they have to know.

Halloween Party goes at 12:30 for the parade next Friday.