06 December 2007


Language Arts - Story Wheels are to be finished by tomorrow. Students have had over 5 weeks to complete reading their novel and create a story wheel based on their book. I f an extension is asked for it will only be honored until next Friday after which I will grade only what is available. The next novel project will be due on January 28th a full 7 weeks from now so students have enough time to choose and read something that they can respond to.

Science - Please bring magazines and catalogues for your collages tomorrow.

Math - Students wrote a test on measuring irregular objects for area and perimeter today. Very interesting responses

Math Project students are building miniature houses in groups so each group will need a box to build build their home. they don't have to be huge but the more we have the better variety and choice for all.

Social Studies - Complete the comparison of culture chart for Friday.

As always if something wasn't completed form the night before students are expected to complete the work. Just because it's not done on time it still must be completed.