24 October 2006

Tuesday Oct 24

Lang Arts Sorry about not being as diligent about posting as I'd like. Students were to complete a chart on the novel we are studying last night. Only half a dozen or so had completed the work for class this morning so those kids get the night off tonight while the ones who were not done will need to address that tonight.

MS Readathon - The grade 5's have challenged the grade 6s to see which class can read more minutes during the read a thon. It's based on the number of minutes per student so we need everyone to read something. Parents to make sure the reading is supervised would you please initial each evening reading time on the sheet. Thanks. We want Mr. Roth to wear that Edmonton Oilers jersey in early November. If each student reads at least 15 minutes per night we will do well and the MS society will have achieved its goal too. Enjoy your free reading.

Math - I don't know what happened over the weekend but again a large number of students did not complete their math assignment from last Thursday. Many will have reduced recess and PE today to make sure they are caught up. We will be having a Math test on Unit 2 from the textbook next Monday Oct. 30th. Plenty of time to review and prepare.

Parents, I'm trying to help the students become responsible independent learners by giving them time to complete assignments that are review and practice. Some students are taking advantage of this and not being diligent about completing these reviews which holds everyone back as we have to wait. Thanks for your help in making sure your child has the required work completed on time.

Social Studies - the tests should be on their way home tomorrow. As incentive to review, students who hand in a corrected test will be credited for their work.